Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by KC7NYR

These basic how to videos that compliment the Linux User Net that I manage and serve as net control station. I wanted to share introductory videos for new or users that have never used or tried Linux.

One of the Linux team items I have always done since we started our net was to try out different Linux distributions on a virtual machine, regular laptop or desktop. The videos listed on this page will be installed on a virtual machine.

If you want to view the most popular Linux distributions and how they are rated based on user use, check out Distrowatch.This is a newer page and I am in the process in creating more videos, so check back often.

If you are a current Windows user, please scroll to the bottom of this page and watch these videos first. They will answer the allot of questions, one; is Linux better than Windows and Linux Mint 19 for Windows users.

What You Need To Know About Robo Linux

In this Video I will walk you through some basic settings that should be set up after the installation and find out what make Robo Linux different than other Linux Distributions.

Items like:

FAAST Boot installer.

Robo UNTRACKER which does change your MAC addresses, along with an encrypted VPN only then can your packets become UNTRACEABLE & UNTRACKABLE everywhere you go!

And other custom features.

How To Install Linux Mint Debian LMDE 4 On a Virtual Machine

Most people know that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu but not many people know that Linux Mint also has Debian-based variant. It is called LMDE which stands for Linux Mint Debian Edition.

Linux Mint team has just announced the release of LMDE version 4 codenamed Debbie. It is based on Debian 10 Buster release.

As with Debian, LMDE also focuses on stability. Which also means that you might not get the latest versions of many software and libraries. That’s a trade off between stability and freshness.

Linux Mint Debian runs faster on older machines.

How To Install Virtual Box, on MX Linux which is Based on Debian

How To Install Virtual Box on MX Linux. Virtual box is a program that is used to create a Virtual Machine operating system to test or use instead of installing it on your main computer. You can build multiple Virtual Machines inside of the program Virtual box.

How To Install Manjaro Linux xfce -18.1.2 on a Virtual Machine

Manjaro is an open-source Linux distribution based on the Arch Linux operating system. Manjaro has a focus on user friendliness and accessibility, and the system itself is designed to work fully “straight out of the box” with its variety of pre-installed software.

Learn how to install Manjaro Linux xfce -18.1.2 on a Virtual Machine and take a look at this operation system. All Linux OS are open source, which means its free to use.

How to Install Skywave Linux on a Virtual Machine

This Video will walk you through how to install Skywave Linux on a virtual machine.  First we will be booting into a Live CD, which is a way to test drive Shywave Linux without installing it.

Then we will cover how to install Skywave Linux on a Virtual Machine with a complete explanation of the difference between a Live CD and Complete Install.

During the complete install, a explanation of the install settings throughout the install along with a brief summary of all the Amateur Radio software included with the installation.

Introduction To Skywave Linux For Amateur Radio Operators

In this video, I will walk you through the Pre-Installed Amateur Radio software menu. I will show you around Skywave Linux, a general look only.

And Lastly, I will give a quick look at GQRX which is a software defined radio receiver with my RTL-SDR Dongles (RTL2832U).

Patriot OS – Walk Though & Install On A Virtual Machine

In This Video, First I Will boot In a Live CD, Which is a Way to Test Out Linux Without Installing it.

Next I will Walk You Through How To Install Patriot OS On a Virtual Machine.

Lastly, I will Give You Walk Though Of Operating System and Some of The Menu Items.

Peach OSI now called (Patriot OS) was developed for newcomers to Linux and computing. Its design made it inviting to those migrating to Linux from the macOS platform.

Parrot OS Linux Install & Walkthrough

In this video I will install Parrot OS on a Virtual Machine.

First, I will show you what it looks like to boot into a Live CD to test Linux
without installing the Operating System. The Linux installer used is not a Standard One. Its faster and a basic installer.

Next, I will walk you through how to configure the Virtual Machine during the installation.

Lastly, after the install, I will walk you through some of the Menu items and show you what Parrot OS looks like.

Future Videos – (Created By KC7NYR)

  • TROM-Jaro Install On a Virtual Machine & Inside LookThis new distro is a custom-built version of the popular Manjaro Arch Linux. Trom-Jaro, a Trade-Free Fork of Manjaro. Tromjaro Linux Goes Trade-Free, it means it wants nothing from its “users”. Like no collection of data, no wanting for people’s attention or currency, and so forth.
    Please read the complete definition of Tromjaro’s view on this on their about page
  • Fedora 33 Workstation is a polished, easy to use operating system for laptop and desktop computers, with a complete set of tools for developers and makers of all kinds.
  • How To Use SDR on Skywave Linux Pt 2 – In this video, I will hook up my SDR dongle and test some of the preinstalled SDR software with skyware linux.

Linux Videos For Windows Users & Introductory Educational Linux Videos. Highly Recommended To Watch (Not Made By KC7NYR)

  • How Linux is Built – While Linux is running our phones, friend requests, tweets, financial trades, ATMs and more, most of us don’t know how it’s actually built. This short video takes you inside the process by which the largest collaborative development project in the history of computing is organized.
  • Is Linux Better Than Windows? – We always hear about the debate between Mac and Windows, but there’s another one that you might not hear about as often, which is Linux vs Windows. Linux is is actually a very well developed operating system, and some people argue it is the best OS, even better than Windows. But is that true? This video goes over the advantages and disadvantages of Linux compared to Windows.
  • Linux Mint 19 For Windows Users – Linux Mint 19 install and demo aimed at Windows users thinking of migrating to Linux. Includes setting up Timeshift, the Update Manager, installing applications, installing MS core fonts, and an explanation of drives in Linux.
  • Linux File System/Structure Explained! – Ever get confused where to find things in Linux and where programs get installed? I’ll explain what all the folders are for, and what’s in them!
  • EVERYONE needs to learn LINUX – ft. Raspberry Pi 4 – This is a really fun video to watch and educational. Did you know you can install Linux on window 1o? He shows you how.
  • Next Future Video – Coming Soon………

Please Note – More Videos Will Be added Over Time

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