Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by KC7NYR

Thank you for considering making a donation. I wanted to share a few items and be transparent in regards to your donation.

The KC7NYR website is a personal website and I am not a non-profit or radio club. I do not have a website administrator. I built and maintain this website as part of my Amateur radio hobby and enjoy doing it.

I ask for donations only to help me pay for yearly web hosting fees, yearly domain URL name, which is and to pay for a yearly SSL certificate which keeps all my visitors safe while using this website and when making donations.

If you like to make a donation, there is a paypal donate button at the bottom of this page.

Even if you decide not to donate, I appreciate your visit and feedback. Thank you for the visit and your donation!

73, Mark

This Site is Updated Often. Thank you for The Visit!
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All Donations Are for Website Hosting

This website uses a SSL certificate that creates an encrypted connection