Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by KC7NYR

The Linux User Net

Please join our weekly Linux User Net every Monday from 8:10PM-9:00PM PST.

The primary purpose of this Net is to share Information about Linux operating system in regards to Amateur Radio use.

Our primary linked repeaters are; 147.32 and 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.040 megahertz all having a 100.0 hz tone and the 146.720 with a 114.8 tone on The Amateur Radio Relay Group (ARRG) System.

IRLP: #7959 (Only 147.040)

Round Table Discussion Format

If may have noticed less links to Net Control Notes toward the end of 2019. This is because we have shifted our format of the net control station from presenting a specific topic to an open round table discussion.

The open round table discussion is more engaging for our net participants and gives them a more active role in the net, rather than us a teaching role. 

So moving forward in 2020 this is the way our net will continue, so if we do have any pertinent links or information we get from a round table session, then we will post them here under the proper date of that net.

A Look Inside Linux series

A series of short (~5 minutes) topics on how Linux works and how to make it work the way you want it to, which I present during the weekly sessions of the Linux User Net.

The target audience is Hams who are new to Linux and want to know more about it, as well as experienced Linux users who can learn more about their chosen operating system.

These are my notes for the presentations. (Russ, KC7MM)

Take a Look at KC7NYR How To Linux Videos

Linux in The News

Join The Linux User Net IO Group. When joining our group please post a message about your Linux experience and your projects using Linux. You will find net session notes with links and Linux information in regards to Amateur Radio use.

Live Recorded Linux User Net Sessions

These live recorded sessions are from the Linux User Net, thank you Dave,WA9ONY for taking the time to record the sessions.

Linux User Net: Topics by Date – Hosted By Net Manager KC7MM

Net Control Stations

Russ-KC7MM – 1st Monday of The Month. (Net Control Station) Net Manager.

Mark-KC7NYR – 2nd Monday of The Month. (Net Control Station) Assistant Net Manager.

Russ-KC7MM 3rd Monday of The Month. Russ is our Assistant Net Manager.

Roy-KI7PKL – 4th Monday of The Month. (Net Control Station)

Jon-KD7SWH – – 5th Monday of The Month. (Net Control Station).

Jon-KD7SWH – (Alternate Net Control Station)

Mike – KA7PLE – (Alternate Net Control Station)

I would like to personally thank each of our Linux Net Control stations for joining our team. Its a honor and pleasure learning and growing together in regards to Linux and Amateur radio! 

If you are a Licensed Amateur Radio operator and like to become a Guest Speaker on The Linux User Net, visit our Linux User Net Guest Speaker page and fill our the registration form.

The West Side Mesh Networking Project has been discontinued. I made this decision based on our inability to keep the project going. We just don’t have the bandwidth at this time.

What is Linux?

Just like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Mac OS X, Linux is an operating system. An operating system is software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with your desktop or laptop. To put it simply – the operating system manages the communication between your software and your hardware. Without the operating system (often referred to as the “OS”), the software wouldn’t function.

The OS is comprised of a number of pieces: 

  • The Bootloader: The software that manages the boot process of your computer. For most users, this will simply be a splash screen that pops up and eventually goes away to boot into the operating system.
  • The kernel: This is the one piece of the whole that is actually called “Linux”. The kernel is the core of the system and manages the CPU, memory, and peripheral devices. The kernel is the “lowest” level of the OS.
  • Daemons: These are background services (printing, sound, scheduling, etc) that either start up during boot, or after you log into the desktop.
  • The Shell: You’ve probably heard mention of the Linux command line. This is the shell – a command process that allows you to control the computer via commands typed into a text interface. This is what, at one time, scared people away from Linux the most (assuming they had to learn a seemingly archaic command line structure to make Linux work). This is no longer the case. With modern desktop Linux, there is no need to ever touch the command line.
  • Graphical Server: This is the sub-system that displays the graphics on your monitor. It is commonly referred to as the X server or just “X”.
  • Desktop Environment: This is the piece of the puzzle that the users actually interact with. There are many desktop environments to choose from (Unity, GNOME, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, KDE, XFCE, etc). Each desktop environment includes built-in applications (such as file managers, configuration tools, web browsers, games, etc).
  • Applications: Desktop environments do not offer the full array of apps. Just like Windows and Mac, Linux offers thousands upon thousands of high-quality software titles that can be easily found and installed. Most modern Linux distributions (more on this in a moment) include App Store-like tools that centralize and simplify application installation. For example: Ubuntu Linux has the Ubuntu Software Center (Figure 1) which allows you to quickly search among the thousands of apps and install them from one centralized location.

What is Linux and What can it do for me (Click on The Link Below)


Linux Powers The World

Linux powers everything, from smartphones and TVs to Submarines.

Linux is the favorite operating-system of major tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, PayPal, Walmart, and the list goes on and on…

Linux controls the particle accelerator at CERN Most consumer electronics.

More than 80 percent of smartphones (via Android)
498 of the 500 fastest supercomputers of the world uses Linux (update: now all 500/500).

Most global markets, including the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, the London Exchange, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange

More than 75 percent of cloud-enabled enterprises 95 percent of the top 1 million domains Visual effects of Titanic and Avatar were developed in 3D applications on Linux

The bullet trains in Japan use Linux to maintain and manage the sophisticated Automatic Train Control system.

The In-Vehicle-Infotainment technology (IVI) inside Toyota and other automobiles uses the Linux platform.

In 2002, Microsoft had accumulated a $ 421 million cost of fighting the spread of Linux, As of January 2010, Linux still only has a 1.02% market share within desktops. In 2018 is 1.46%.

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